.. _tut-gemv-03-memcpy: GEMV Tutorial 3: Memcpy ======================= We've already written a program that launches a kernel and copies the result back to the host, so lets extend this to copying the initial tensors from the host to the device. This program will now have three phases: 1. Host-to-device memcpy of ``A``, ``x``, and ``b`` 2. Kernel launch 3. Device-to-host memcpy of ``y`` Learning objectives ------------------- .. include:: objectives.rst Example overview ---------------- .. include:: overview.rst Modifying the CSL ----------------- .. include:: device-code.rst Modifying the host code ----------------------- .. include:: host-code.rst Compiling and running the program --------------------------------- .. include:: running.rst Exercises --------- .. include:: exercises.rst Next ---- In the next tutorial, we expand this program to use data structure descriptors (DSDs), a core language feature of CSL.